Vacancy - Referee & Disciplinary Manager

23 Feb 2018 by Hannah Harris-Brown

WACFA is seeking registration of interest for the position of Referee and Disciplinary Manager for the 2018 season.
The Referee and Disciplinary Manager will provide support to WACFA in managing referees and clubs/players disciplinary matters.

The successful candidate will be required to perform the following duties:

Review disciplinary reports and assign penalties as per the regulations. Assist the WACFA Chaplain with investigations

Ensure WACFA disciplinary and competition rules are consistent with regulatory requirements

Provide clubs with relevant information to ensure they are familiar with WACFA rules and regulations

Attend competitions from time to time and provide feedback to WACFA

Provide technical advice to WACFA in relation to the laws of the game or disciplinary issues

Ensure referees are compliant with regulatory and WACFA requirements

Liaise with the Referee Coordinator and Referee Assessor as required by WACFA

Provide support and technical advice to referees when requested by WACFA

Attend Management Committee Meetings, Information Meetings and other meetings from time to time as requested by WACFA

The prospective candidate must be able to demonstrate that he or she is:

A Committed Christian with established pattern of attendance at a mainstream Christian church

Eligible for a Current Working with Children card

Hold a Current WA driver’s licence

Demonstrated long-term involvement in football as a referee, player, coach, volunteer or official is preferred.

The position is a paid part time role with flexible working hours equivalent to one day per week.

Please submit your registration with relevant references and details no later than 13 March 2018 by email to The Secretary,

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